Playing a musical instrument is a rewarding experience that many musicians cherish. However, for those who play wind instruments, the thought of getting braces or Invisalign might raise concerns about how it will affect their playing.
Wearing braces while playing wind instruments can present some initial challenges, particularly due to the discomfort they may cause as they change the positioning of your lips and the feel of your mouthpiece. However, with practice and time, most musicians find that they can adapt and continue playing effectively.
Invisalign/Removable clear aligners offer a more flexible alternative to traditional braces, and many musicians find it easier to adjust to playing with them. The smooth surface of Invisalign aligners allows them to work seamlessly with your mouth’s natural functions, including playing wind instruments. The aligners are less likely to cause irritation, and they don’t affect your embouchure as much as traditional braces might.
Different instruments pose different challenges when it comes to playing with braces or Invisalign:
Experienced musicians often recommend regular practice and a positive mindset as the best ways to adapt to orthodontic treatment. Over time, your muscles will adjust, and your playing will become more comfortable.
Some musicians also suggest experimenting with different mouthpieces or reeds to find the combination that works best with your braces or Invisalign aligners.
The impact of braces or Invisalign on your musical performance is generally temporary. As you become more accustomed to your orthodontic treatment, you’ll likely find that your playing returns to its previous level. It’s essential to maintain a positive attitude and to be patient with yourself during this adjustment period.
Consult with an orthodontic professional to discuss the braces treatment plan and the anticipated improvement of the teeth. Plan a suitable timing to allow time for adaptation.
Speak with Dr Duan Duoni, who is an avid flutist herself and knows what you are going through.
Dr. Duoni has a rich background in music, particularly with the flute. She began at 7, achieved Grade 8 by Primary 6, and was part of the Singapore National Youth Orchestra for 7 years, including an international tour. She earned her Trinity LTCL Diploma in Music Performance with Distinction and joined in the Young Artist Programme at Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music during her secondary school years. Although she chose to focus on her academic career, she continues to be actively involved in music, playing principal flute in the NUS Symphony Orchestra during her dental school years and participating in concerts and gigs.
Spot her in the middle of the photo!
Whether you’re wearing traditional braces or Invisalign, they shouldn’t be a barrier to your musical aspirations. With the right approach and a bit of practice, you can continue to play your wind instrument with confidence. Remember, many musicians have successfully navigated this phase, and you can too!
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