
MyBracesClinic chooses Invisalign because it is a smart, fully customized, clear aligner system backed by years of dedicated research by a team of committed engineers and scientists.


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Invisalign is made of FDA-approved medical-grade high molecular weight thermoplastic polymers called SmartTrack. 

Smart track material is engineered to optimally deliver the desired force levels, with efficient staging to move teeth straight more predictably and effectively.

Invisalign removable aligners are made as a series of aligners generally worn every 7 days to move your teeth straight progressively. Aligners are worn daily for all activities except during meals and brushing teeth. The number of aligners created in a series depends on case complexity.

Every step of tooth movement is 3D printed out as upper and lower full-arch resin molds, and from there, SmartTrack polyurethane films are thermoformed onto each resin cast to make clear aligners. The gum margins of Invisalign aligners are precision cut using lasers, and each set is carefully polished to your comfort.

Wearing clear aligners is NOT painful.  Each set of aligners gently applies force to nudge your teeth to a new position, and with time, your teeth start straightening out. The feeling of wearing a new set of aligners is like wearing new denim jeans for the first time—Snug and well-fitting but NOT painful.

MyBracesClinic first uses the iTero scanner to create a digital 3D image of your teeth and bite problems. Together with other digital records such as photos and X-rays, our Orthodontic team will diagnose your malocclusion and formulate a Treatment Plan to move teeth straight.

Your Orthodontic Team submits this information to Invisalign via a digital prescription form so that Invisalign can transfer our Dr’s digital roadmap of your tooth movement into a series of customized clear aligners. This is then couriered back to our clinic, ready for you!

Invisalign is a smart, customizable, and flexible orthodontic tool that gives our Orthodontic Team a wide range of biomechanics options to solve many bite problems. 

MyBracesClinic uses Invisalign for the following types of cases:

  • Non-extraction approach to gain space to avoid tooth extractions
  • Extraction cases
  • Crooked teeth
  • Large ‘overbite’ (overjet)
  • Underbite
  • Asymmetry cases
  • Crossbite and scissors bite cases
  • Patients with stabilized gum disease
  • Jaw surgery cases (both Surgery-First and Surgery-Early cases)
  • Cases that need alignment before implants, crowns etc.

Invisalign can fix bite and smile problems for patients of almost all ages!

Dr Poon’s youngest Invisalign patient treated was 6.5 years old while on the other end of the age scale was…. 81 years old! Dr Poon treated her son at 56 years old, who subsequently brought Mom in for help.

Young ones may need interceptive orthodontic treatment to solve urgent issues before problems snowball and worsen in their teens. Invisalign-First is designed to treat bad bites in young kids as these specially designed aligners are engineered to evolve with a child’s changing dentition and growth.

Teens benefit from orthodontic treatment to straighten their teeth for ease of cleaning, for better self-esteem and before they head off into the busy working world.

Adults benefit from orthodontic treatment for improved self-image to correct facial and skeletal problems. Sometimes, orthodontics is used to restore and rebuild a smile damaged by gum disease, trauma, and decay. Invisalign can be used to achieve this.

Age is not the deciding factor; the malocclusion and problem is.

Orthodontic treatment takes time to resolve bite and smile problems as many teeth need to be moved gently and effectively.

Factors that determine Invisalign treatment duration include:

  • Case complexity
  • Compliance with aligner wear
  • Experience of the Clinical Provider

MyBracesClinic has been an Invisalign Diamond Clinic since 2018.

As one of the earlier adopters of Invisalign in Singapore, MyBracesClinic was one of the first to offer Invisalign braces with Mandibular Advancement Feature and Invisalign-First.

Our experienced and gentle Orthodontists have treated children, adults, and teens with Invisalign, which accommodates extraction, non-extraction, and jaw surgical plans.

Dr Poon is an International Invisalign Speaker, and she educates orthodontists and dentists from around the world on the biomechanics and intricacies of the Invisalign system. She is also a visiting lecturer at the National University of Singapore for Orthodontics. Dr. Chong and Dr Duan are also multi-award-winning and highly accomplished Orthodontic Clinicians, hand-picked by Dr Poon. Together, they form MyBracesClinic’s Orthodontic Team!

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