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how to wear Invisalign Palatal Expander

Wearing Invisalign Palatal Expanders to expand a narrow upper arch is EASY! Here is a complete guide on how to wear Invisalign Palatal Expander, and what to expect. 


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Let's do this!

Wear Invisalign Palatal Expanders all the time, including eating. 

Only take the Expanders out to brush and floss teeth. 

If you find it more comfortable to eat without the Expanders, do keep meals short (~30mins) and remember to wear the Expanders right after eating.

Start with softer foods and small bites. Please give extra time for meals at the beginning. 

To reduce food getting stuck under the Expander after meals, do gargle with water thoroughly after every meal. 

Aim for 22 hours of daily Expander wear.

Yes, it is SAFE to eat with your Invisalign Palatal Expanders on. 

Expanders are made of polyamide12. This is a medical-grade nylon, approved by the Food and Drug Administr

ation of USA (FDA-approved).

Just don’t eat the Expanders… (Kidding!) FDA approved

Do not skip Expanders. Please follow the treatment sequence, even if new Expanders do not feel tight when you wear them. 

Invisalign Palatal Expanders are to be changed daily or after 24hours. 

Aim to change to the next set of Expanders at night, so that even if it feels tight, by sleeping with new Expanders at night, by morning you feel comfortable

Changing to a new set of Invisalign Palatal Expander at night also means you have a good 9-10 hours of uninterrupted force transmission to expand your palate. Good!

No, Invisalign Palatal Expanders are designed to have a snug fit over your teeth and palate. 

There are tooth coloured attachments placed on your upper back molars to give extra grip to the Expanders.

Features of Invisalign Palatal Expander

It is a good habit to keep the old Expander aside BEFORE opening a new pack of Expanders. This is to avoid mixing Expanders up. 

Use your thumbs to insert the new Expander up into your mouth. It can only go in 1 way.

You may hear an audible ‘click’ sound as the Expander clicks in. It is not important to hear the ‘click’.

There must be NO GAP between teeth and expander on BOTH sides. 

Correct way to wear invisalign palatal expander

Invisalign Palatal Expander are cleverly designed to have 2 handles for little fingers to hook over and pull the aligners down. 

Use the fingers of both hands to find the Handles at the sides of the Expander facing your cheek, and pull downwards sharply to remove the Expander.

how to remove Invisalign palatal expander

Avoid sticky food and chewing gum while eating with the expanders. 

Please avoid sweet and carbonated drinks like (Soda and bubble tea) are bad for your teeth and overall health. 

Avoid acidic or sour drinks as their erosive nature is bad for your teeth.  

Do note that curries may stain the expander, but that is okay.

We love our food, too! If you have cakes and sweets occasionally, gargle thoroughly with water or brush your teeth quickly

Don't drink soda with aligners and expanders. Screengrab from Invisalign First Video
Screenshot from Invisalign First video (Source: Invisalign)

It is normal to feel tightness, some soreness, and pressure at the start of each new Expander. 

Some patients may report tenderness in the roof of their mouth or jaw joints, which is okay.  

Teeth may feel sore, sensitive, or a little shakier than usual, which is also okay as teeth respond to the expansion forces. 

A gap often appears between upper front teeth during Invisalign Palatal Expander treatment because the 2 halves of the palate move away from each other, carrying each half’s upper front tooth. This is a good thing to see. 

Having said that, it is also important to understand that seeing the gap appear is NOT a MUST because some patients have very reactive and elastic gum tissues that can hold the upper two fronts together during expansion. 

What is IMPORTANT is that the Expander clicks or seats in all the way and fits well from one set to the next. Then we know that palatal expansion is occurring well. 

Gap appearing front teeth during Invsialign Palatal Expander treatment

As the Expander is a new thing in the mouth, the body will react by producing lots more saliva. This is temporary.

Speech will be different initially because you need time to adapt to the Expander in your mouth. Speech will get better with time and practice. 

If you see some pressure outlines of the Expander marked on the roof of your mouth, do not worry. That’s great because it means you are wearing the Expander well. These pressure lines will disappear after treatment.

Teeth may feel shakier than usual, and you may experience a change in your bite. This is normal and transient.

It is essential to keep good oral hygiene AND Expander hygiene

Brush the Expander gently over ALL surfaces with a soft bristle toothbrush and a small amount of toothpaste. Make sure to brush the surfaces that tough your teeth and roof of your mouth well. 

The aim is to wear the Expanders as often as possible. It is unnecessary to soak the Expander in antiseptic solutions because you will change to a new Expander in 1-2 days.

DO NOT USE HOT WATER to rinse, wash or soak the Expanders. 

DO NOT USE hair-dryers to dry the Expander. Use a soft cloth or tissue instead. 

Do not throw away any Expanders. Keep all expanders after use.

Wash, dry, and keep used expanders in their original packaging with the correct numbering.

Bring All Expanders (unused, current one, and old ones) to your appointment with our Drs. 

If you have lost an attachment for the Expander, do not panic. If the expander still clicks snugly over your teeth, you have time to call the clinic to make an appointment with our doctors to assist you. 

If you accidentally swallow an attachment, it’s okay. You will poo-poo it out when you next go to the toilet. 

Losing a baby tooth during Invisalign Expander treatment can occur. 

Please continue to wear your Expander as instructed. 

IF the new adult tooth emerges in a way that prevents your Expander from fully seating in, please call the Clinic for an earlier appointment.

If you have any questions or are unsure, please WhatsApp or call our Clinics. We are here to help. 

Let’s work together to achieve a wider, broader smile for you!

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